Outlander Season 5. pretty damn good.

Well, episode 12 of 5th Series of Outlander was emotionally exhausting. One of the best episodes ever, but that’s just our opinion. Jamie Fraser is truly the King of Men. Jamie, the Highlander was back. yeah baby!

We’ll Meet Again, Vera Lynn passes away

Singer Dame Vera Lynn, whose song “We’ll Meet Again” became an anthem of hope during the second world war, has died aged 103. We’ll meet again was released in 1939, often heard today and still brings tears to one’s eyes. Beautiful Lady, ageless song. We...

Meg Keneally in conversation…

Meg Keneally interviews…check her wiht Chris Flynn on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3mwegB9m-E CHRIS FLYNN  in conversation with Meg Keneally, talking about MAMMOTH – a unique and quirky look at how we have impacted the world, through the eyes of a...

Eurovision Song Contest movie out soon on Netflix

Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams, shine in the trailer. The movie will be hilarious. For those who saw the theater productions of Eurobeat – Almost Eurovision, and The Song Content –  Eurovision, both productions by Glynn Nicholas Group will no doubt be the...